Oregon Department of Education Grant Projects
Project 1: CCR Lessons Grades 6-12 Priority Lessons (5 Lessons Per Grade Available-If you need additional access please reach out to request it at C3Oregon@gmail.com)
View the available lessons HERE
Lessons Coming soon:
- Grade 8
- Grade 9
- Grade 10
- Grade 11
- Grade 12
Project 2: CCR Certificate Class for CCR practitioners (connected to DHS Project 3)
- Week 1 - Introduction to Career and College Readiness
- Week 2 - Career Exploration (Future Ready, Worksource)
- Week 3 - Career Preparation & Career Pathways (WBL & CCL)
- Week 4 - College Preparation, Selection, Transition
- Week 5 - Student Portfolio: Resume, Cover, Letter, Activities Chart, Community Service
- Week 6 - Financial Literacy & Paying for College
- Week 7 - Paying for College
- Week 8 - Student & Family Engagement Through Equity Lens
- Week 9 - Develop Action Plan
- Week 10 - Develop Action Plan
- Week 11 - Participate in Ongoing Community of Practice
- Project 3: 16 Career Journey Maps (connected to DHS Project 5)
- Project 4: Regional Convenings and Summer Conference (connected to DHS Project 1)
- Project 5: Update website (connected to DHS Project 7)
Department of Human Services Grant Projects
Each of the following projects target outreach to current and former foster youth and the CCR practitioners who support them.
- Project 1: Summer Conference Travel Reimbursement (connected to ODE Project 4)
- Project 2: Map Student Supports
- Project 3: CCR Certificate Class (connected to ODE Project 2)
- Project 4: Foster Youth Advisory
- Project 5: 16 Career Journey Maps (connected to ODE Project 3)
- Project 6: Employer Connections Program
- Project 7: Update Website Related to Foster Youth and Communications (connected to ODE Project 5)