Career Journey Maps

Career Journey Maps

These Career Journey Maps are intended to provide information and spark conversation between practitioner, student, and/or families. The maps are not an extensive collection of all the possible jobs, classes, or skills available in each cluster. Each journey map provides example jobs, example general job specifications, example job descriptions, suggested development, links to additional resources, and next steps. 


Click on the images to download and start using with your students and families!

Journey Map DocumentJourney Map Document

Click here for Spanish Translated Journey Maps

The journey maps were created by Career College Collaborative (C3) with funding from the Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Department of Human Services. The Oregon Employment Department partnered with C3 to provide data and resources and the maps were reviewed by an advisory group.  


Career Icons Image

Journey Maps Based on 16 Career Clusters for Oregon

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

Architecture and Construction

Arts, Audio/Video, and Communication

Business, Management and Administration

Education and Training


Government and Public Administration

Health Science

Hospitality and Tourism

Human Services

Information Technology

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security



Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Transportation Distribution and Logistics